Monday, 24 November 2014

Fishing Leveling guide FFXIV lvl 1 - 50

Fishing Grinding Spots 01-50

155Limsa Lower DecksLLLugwormCatches many relevant Levequest fish.
51010Murmur RillsNSHCrayfish BallThe absolute best spot in this tier. (Gridania->Yellow Serpent Gate)
101515SwiftperchWLNPillbugCatches many relevant Levequest fish.
152020Fallgourd FloatNSHMidge BasketStraight up grinding spot. Great EXP
152020AleportWLNRat TailRandomly catch many levefish.
202326Yug'ram RiverCTHButterworm( night ) 100% Black Eel. Just alt-tab during daytime :)
232729Burning WallETHBrass Spoon Lure100% Yug'ram Salmon: Insane EXP.
273035Ceruleum FieldNTHChocobo Fly100% Grip Killfish. This spot is SUPERIOR TO MOONDRIP
303131North Umbral IslesWLNSpoonworm( night ) Gain a level in one night + quest item (Fullmoon Sardine)
303535Cape WestwindWTHSpoonwormChange lure to Steel Jig - Sinking Minnow when possible.
353740Sagoili DesertSTHSand LeechGreat overall grind spot. Decent until 40 if you choose to.
374041The NailCCHWildfowl FlyHigh chance of Bronzelake and Crimson Trout. (can begin @36)
404445Burning WallETHStem BorerSlim choices :( Use Myhtril Spoon Lure - Snurble Tuft when able
444546Exploratory IceholeCCHTopwater FrogCatches Northern Pike (Levequest fish). Good EXP.
454750Sea of CloudsCCHHoverwormPurely a grinding spot.
455050Ceruleum FieldNTHGlowwormLevefishing AND good EXP

Levequest Fish Summary

Updating with best ways to catch, mostly a list for now
FSH Level 1 Levequest Fish
Merlthor Goby: Limsa Lominsa lower decks | Lugworm
Malm Kelp: Limsa Lominsa lower decks | Lugworm
Lominsan anchovy: Limsa Lominsa lower decks | Lugworm
Finger Shrimp: Limsa Lominsa lower decks | Lugworm

FSH Level 5 Levequest Fish
Harbor Herring [R]
Sea Cucumbers [R]
Coral Butterfly
Ocean Cloud
I had zero need to use leves in this tier. But I guess I can try to find the best ways to catch these and update…

FSH Level 10 Levequest fish
Pebble Crab [R]: Swiftperch, WLN | Goby Ball
Harbor Herring [R]: Swiftperch, WLN | Goby Ball
Tiger Cod: Swiftperch, WLN | Goby Ball
Moraby Flounder: Swiftperch, WLN | Goby Ball
Thankfully Swiftperch offers a decent chance to catch all of them with a single type of bait. I did not delve into how to catch each specifically, as it’s pretty unneeded in this tier.

FSH Level 15 Levequest fish
Helmet Crab [R]: Difficult to isolate | Skull Valley | Rat Tail
White Coral [R]: Difficult to isolate | Brewers Beacon (MLN) | Goby Ball
Razor Clam: Crescent Cove (WTH) | Rat Tail
Rothlyt Osyter: Silver Bazaar (WTH) | Rat Tail
There’s no great universal spot to farm more than 2 of these at a time. If you’re bent on using a few leves, you’re best off trying to farm the clams, BUYING pebble crabs, and abandoning the coral levequest.

FSH Level 20 Levequest fish
Dark Sleeper [R]: Difficult to isolate |
Faerie Bass [R]: Difficult to isolate |
Copperfish: Raincatcher Gully, East Agelyss River (ELN) | 100% catch
Black Eel: Yug’ram River (ETH) | Butterworm | Night, 100% catch

FSH Level 25 Levequest fish
Dark Bass [R]: Difficult to isolate |
Five-Ilm Pleco [R]: Difficult to isolate |
Black Ghost: Difficult to isolate |
Yugr’am Salmon: The Burning Wall (XTH) | 100% catch

FSH Level 30 Levequest fish
Black Soles [R]:
Indigo Herring [R]:
Ash Tuna:
Indigo Herring:

FSH Level 35 Levequest fish
Giant Bass [R]:
Lamp Marimo [R]: Exploratory Icehole | xxx > xxx
Crimson Trout

FSH Level 40 Levequest fish
Abalatian Smelt [R]:
Golden Loach [R]: Difficult to isolate |
Bronze Lake Trout: The Nail (CCH) |
Northern Pike: Exploratory Ice Hole (CCH) | Topwater Frog

FSH Level 45 Levequest fish
Sludgeskipper [R]: Ceruleum Field (NTH) | Stem Borer > Glowworm
Ignus Snail [R]: Ceruleum Field (NTH) | Stem Borer > Glowworm
Ilsabardian Bass: Ceruleum Field (NTH) | Topwater Frog > Glowworm
Boltfish: Ceruleum Field (NTH) | Mooch from Silverfish

All of these (Except Boltfish) can ALSO can be caught much nearer the levemete in Mor Dhona – North Silvertear. Glowworm is your catch-all lure. If you’re short on snails and skippers, use Stem Borer. If you’re short on bass use Topwater Frog. If you’re short on Boltfish – good luck :)